Monday, July 15, 2013


Back in the day, we used to come here quite often!  "The Cats" in Los Gatos always makes me think of Nancy.

The Southern California visitor took us for a tasty treat.

Not much has changed.  Those mushrooms, those ribs ...  Mmmmm!  It was a great evening.  Just as good as we remembered.

The visitor did a little golfing on  our neighborhood course.

The camera man tagged along for some different kinds of shots.

Busy week end.  Two pooped guys.

Boy, that is a nice cold stone!

We had an errand in Watsonville.  Stopped at a neighborhood park so Ralle could have some fun.

Watched these two young men at batting practice.

They were REALLY good!

Hit 9 out of 10 balls.

Several balls went flying out of the park!


What form!

Great style

and grace!

Kids with great talent.

Future pros?

With a great eye.

Great power.



A nice way to spend time

in the afternoon.

Great fun for us to watch.

Let's see what we will get into this coming week?
May yours be really nice!


  1. Mmmmm! Låter gott och ser gott ut.

    Annars har jag hört en jämförelse av det franska och det amerikanska köket:

    ”I Frankrike har de en religion och tusen såser.
    I USA har de tusen religioner och en sås.”

    Lite elakt! Och inte sant, det vet jag.
