Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Between September And October

An entirely new life.
Mister Kitty waits..........
Yet, on it goes.
A good thing!

The last couple of weeks have been filled with medical check ups.  Lord knows that living in THIS country, for many, those are difficult to come by.  We are grateful for the privilege.  Looks like we will be around for a while, if those tests and exams are something one can rely on.  For Ralle, who looked so good after all his recent tests, that was not the case.

One might be here today,
Gone tomorrow.
Taking a chance, living full out, grateful to have had today and hopefully tomorrow.
Looking forward.
Anything IS possible!

Including a shutdown of the US government!
Today, October first, was my dear "Moster"Auntie Helmi's  99th birthday!  She has been a rock, a touchstone my entire life.
Her name HELMI is of Finish origin; I was told today.  It means pearl.  Perfect!  She truly is just that!  A pearl.

October is a month full of important dates.  Autumn is upon us, filling our sights with endless colour.
My favorite time of the year!

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