What is Paradise one might wonder? Paradise or feeling like one is "in Paradise" is so different for each and every one of us, isn't it? Yesterday we all "scored"!
Buddie and his partner Linnea in the sport of agility, were off to a big event near Monterey and Seaside. Buddie did Qualify in two runs! Both he and Linnea were in heaven. When that happens Maria is too.
While Buddie was at his agility trial Mister Kitty took the opportunity to sneak into Buddies bed :-)... a snooze in the forbidden place! Now THAT too is "Paradise".
We took Ralle for a walk along the seaside in the quaint coastal town. He was greeted, petted, photographed by tourists and had a full mornings worth of sniffing where so many dogs had gone before. Ralle was in paradise!
David picked up a new updated GPS CD for our car at the Monterey dealership so he was a happy man.
I went to Whole Foods in Monterey to purchase scallops for dinner. Going to any Whole Foods Market is Paradise to me! Then of course cooking Seared Sea Scallops with Lemon Orzo and having Linnea with me in the kitchen preparing a salad, well what more needs to be said.........
Ray picked fresh peaches from the totally LOADED peach tree in their back yard, for us to use making a Peach Crumble... to be served with a dollop of whipped cream for dessert, WELL!
Sharing this great meal with my family gathered around the table, dogs waiting their turn, curled up nearby. What could be better!
Some pictures for you to enjoy. The pictures will just affirm my day, my feelings of "Paradise".
How was your day?
Wonderful pictures as usual. They'd make a nice book by themselves.