Thursday, December 18, 2014

A Star In The Making

There is not much time for blogging right now.....
Most of my time is spent in the kitchen a favorite place to be for me.

We did however make a whirlwind visit to see the Southern California troupe, Maria, Garbo and I, as Saga was performing in a high school production of The Jungle Book.

No, Saga is not in high school yet..... it was high school students who produced the play, the direction, the scenography, the casting, and all that goes with a theater performance of this kind.  They did a fabulous job teaching the "actors" to sing, dance and perform!

We are so glad we made that long drive to see the production.  All the kids were great!  Saga was excellent!
(The photo credit, for the pictures from the show,  goes to the Mother of the STAR! Nice shots!!)

Saga was born to perform.  There is no doubt!  Not that I am not biased, I am and I admit it.  But there were several other people who, after the show was over, marveled over her talent.  Her ability to project  with both motion and voice!  I am totally blown away!

Christmas preparations were in full swing there!  The kids making ginger bread cookies and other goodies!  It was a fun visit!

We had a mini Christmas here last weekend, as the Seattle son and his wife came bringing a stash of gifts, helping us eat Lussekatter, a traditional saffron bread and ginger cookies for Saint Lucia Day!

The traditional calendar was delivered, with its stories and pictorial telling about their year 2014.  It is an especially fun calendar as the stories and events of the year include those who are most important to us, our swedish family!  JQ will remain in Seattle with his gang, along with our oldest granddaughter and her true love, this  holiday.  We had so hoped that Kellie would come home for Christmas, but things change when you grow up, have a job and other responsibilities and we have to accept that.

Now we are getting ready for the Big Day when we gather around the tree after eating ourselves silly!

It will be a big group!  It will be fun!

Before Christmas, there is my "Big Sister's" Birthday to celebrate and Winter Solstice, the day when "everything changes!"  The day when the dark nights get shorter and the days gradually longer! Hurrah!

Merry Christmas .. God Jul .. Feliz Navidad to you  all!

1 comment:

  1. God Jul på dig där borta! Tack för alla besök på min blogg, hoppas på flera.
