Monday, October 6, 2014

(some of) Our Dogs

Someone forwarded the following sentiment to us in an email this week.
A few days later I saw these same words posted on social media.
True words!

Words that tug at my and the photographers heart:

"Dogs come into our lives

to teach us

about Love,

they depart

to teach us about loss.

A new dog

never replaces

an old dog,

it merely expands

the heart!

If you have loved

many dogs

your heart




(Not all the dogs that have shared in our life are depicted here, most are.... Blackie (for one) who lived with us for 15 some years, is missing. We will feature him another day. Blackie was a small dog with a BIG life and a LOT of heart. John's best friend!)


  1. Du har så rätt! Den som inte tycker om hundar, kan inte var riktigt skapat i huvud och hjärta.

  2. Love seeing the photos of your doggies!
